Knock Knock.
Hey look who's at door.....
Lemme guess...either its an evil spirit ( Halloween time dude) or its Goddess Lakshmi ( Deepavali is just around) or its your neighbourhood kid. No no I didnt get mad yet... just read on to find out..!!
Some things I find strange when I compare the western tradition of Halloween and eastern festival Deepavali are listed her under! To start with, these two festivals usually occur around the same time of the year... during the transition to winter.
Halloween has a bit of spookyness associated with it, Deepavali is more a bright festival. But I would say that the dissimilarity ends there. These two festivals emphasize lighting your home and places around, though the reasoning behind this differs. These festivals emphasize the victory of good over evil,mark the beginning of new year - The day after Halloween Nov 1st is the new year's day for Celts while Deepavali marks the new year as per the Vikram calendar.
And both have since ages captivated the imagination of children... both of them are basically children's festivals.Aaand atlast both involve lots of sweets and candy!!!!!
So whether you name it ... Deepavali or Halloween... Celebrate it and Be Happy.
Interested to know more about:
Deepavali read here
Halloween.. read here