Saturday, October 15, 2005

MixMasala aka Motley of all!

A bright and sunny day and here I am in the place I like most... My blog.

Whats the topic today.. it will be all the things I like - mixed and put before in the platter.

I will start with alternate names I was thinking for my blog

a) My life's rearview mirror.
b) Real and the Ethereal! ( considering thats the networking tool I keep working with most of the day)
c) As my hair changes colors.... -- donno whether it would made much sense though!!


At 9:21 AM, Blogger You know Who said...

That means
u would stop writing when the color of ur hair stops changing(when it is
completely white)..

At 10:23 PM, Blogger veekay said...

Dear - You know who:

First thanks for dropping in ur comments.

I meant that it as a transition of life... but I hope I keep blogging!

Thanks dude!


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