Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Hedgehog on a Highway

"Mann you either turn right or left ... decide clearly.. dont be a hedgehog on a highway"
-- My Driving Instructor !

Yes thanks to my driving woes.. I get thoroughly brainwashed by my driving instructor. He yells at me the moment I take a moment more to decide where to go right or left and thats what I might say is the day's topic! Dichotomy.

I would define Dichotomy as a perpetual dilemma in ones mind in things where once choice is involved, and this has been my best friend ever.. I guess.Its been hunting me whereever I am and in whatever I do.

But end of day I pat myself thinking of the following quote !

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -- Bertrand Russell


P.S: It took me two weeks to decide whether to publish this post or not ! Thats Dichotomy at work!


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