An Ode to Pluto!
Today we stand a bit more farther from the "erstwhile" farthest planet of our solar system - Stripped of its status as a planet Pluto stands out a bit more alone in the space tonight. This must hurt ! I mean having been a member of a family for as long as 76 years and suddenly being told that you never belonged to it by a voting done by a miniscule group of nerds half away across the galaxy, boy that must hurt. My heart goes out for you dear - Pluto ! ( Only the Big B from the movie Laawaris might know how it feels to unbelong)
Let me see - how will the age old mnemonic ("My very educated mother just showed us nine planets") to remember the planet order - change ? Will it soon become "My very educated mother just showed us nothing....." ??
And by the way whoever thought the voting that happened in Prague was fair and free, think of this - there was not even a single representative from any of the other members of the solar system ?? Not even our very own martians! I mean how can this be a democractic form of selection when the entire community is not equally represented ?
The only way out is for Pluto to stand up and get itself counted ( probably start some non-violent movement against this injustice) or give birth to some "Superman" just like Krypton did to get into the solar system's(atleast box office) notice or get adopted to other star systems. I am sure having been a member of the elite "Solar System" for this long must be a wonderful qualification on Planet Pluto's resume! Dear Pluto, Believe me, you are the most eligible planet out there!! Now is the time to sing along the great song of Bob Marley - "Get Up Stand Up".
This will be a trial by fire but I sincerely hope that pluto will come out of this as a better planet and better space citizen. Our prayers are with you Pluto.
But for now it is just Good Bye. Take Care!