Saturday, May 27, 2006

Reincarnation - Why Believe it ?

Anyone who has seen movies like Karz(Hindi) or the original english version "The Reincarnation of Peter Proud" must have a taste of what the concept of reincarnation is. Simply speaking you come back to this world after you are dead and you remember whole lot of what happened to you in the past life. Hmm Creepy isn't it ?

Now the other day I was watching a review of 'The Incovenient Truth'. This movie tries to potray the damage mankind has done to the ecology and its effects like global warming etc. After watching I just dismissed this dystopian potrayal saying that nothing huge is happening around me atleast during my lifetime.. So why should I worry ? It will be a long long time before some real changes happen that will drastically impact the day to day life of us. So ALL is well atleast for now.

Then I thought what if I am present in the days when the world is a mess!! by a chance reincarnation !!! Then a sudden sense of accountability of my actions seemed obvious.

-Would everyone be as reckless if he/she knows that he will surely be part of the holocaust in the future ?
-Would he/she take more thought before doing something damaging to our home - this world ?

Sounds good right! In times where the school books are hugely influenced by policies of the governments..
-Why don't we instill a sense of responsibility in the people through this concept ?
-Why not have something in the curriculum say if you are being bad to this world - thats going to return to you ?

Mull over this!

In a nutshell:
"What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity" ~ Maximus in the movie Gladiator

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Got a cam phone.. Get into action.. NOW!

Last week I saw lots of mails doing the rounds that there were lots of protests/support marches across India regarding the reservations issue. The surprising element however was that many of the mails stated that main stream media was not covering lot of the news and they are being forced not to ! which I felt to be very disturbing.

If that is true, what can we do to get the truth out to light?

We can do a lot really.. So to speak. The answer being Citizen Journalism. Almost many of us have the luxury/luck/fortune to have simple tools like DigiCams or Phone with cameras.. simple cassette voice recorders. We can always trap the happenings ( good and bad ) and send them to media attention or simply post on sites like and many more. Ofcourse you can always have your blog featuring this news. I know some blogs have a huge loyal readership. So its not always upto the main stream media to cover or not to cover stories. Now YOU can take control.

So, what are you waiting for.. Go and Get 'em!

Just as they say "If you see something.. Say Something".

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Tussle of the masses!

Last few months I couldn't but sit up and take attention of political and economic developments across both sides of the Pacific. I mean the U.S and China. Let me also slip in India.

The striking thing has to be - the tangles between the policies of governments and private companies operating in the land.

In China it all started with big software companies and search companies bowing down to the demands of the government in terms of censoring the internet. There was a lot of uproar against these decisions all over the world.

While in India it was the issue of reservation in the private companies which picked up a lot of dust and ate up lots of newsprint.

More recently in the US, some telecom companies had to provide a huge collection of phone conversation records of their customers to the government as a measure to sense the terrorist activity across US. I believe that there must have been lot of discomfort for the telecom companies to share this info. But this had to done.

From these developments, it follows that the corporate boardrooms across the world have now to start taking the local governments very seriously. Just as these companies have a great say in the political arena, the same holds the other way round.

But the interesting aspect of this entire tussle, is that both the institutions - Governments and the Companies - are democratically represented in many cases. While governements are represented by politicians elected by people, the companies also are in many cases controlled by corporate leaders hugely influenced by the shareholders.

Hence by making this fight more transparent I think the issues of concern can be addressed in the best of the best manner. By transparent I mean each institution be it the Governments or the corporate houses should garner inputs from all the stake holders to make the final outcome the best possible one.

Hmm do I have case here ?

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Another weekend has ended and a real hectic week is staring right at me.

I was just thinking about why I had gone out of my way and promised something to my client by an impossible deadline. I was doing a post mortem of my decision..

Then.. then.. this happened...

I logged on to Orkut to see this as my "Today's fortune":
"Promise only what you can deliver"
I am surprised at the coincidence of this!!

and whether I have done the right thing or otherwise.. hmm only time will decide!! ;-)

Wish me luck :-) and Have a great week ahead!!