The other day I happened to visit one of the"must-sees" in NYC - The Metropolitan Museum of Art referred to as the "M". I should say that it is really a good place for art lovers.
The major attractions include:
- The temple of Dendur - an Egyptian structure reconstructed in the museum. This monument just will give you a taste of what it is like being in Egypt! The Egyptian galleries contain a lot of sculptures, paintings and engraved pottery of the Egyptians.
[ The front view of Temple of Dendur ]
- The American Art galleries - I will have to say that the paintings section is the best. Some of them are really awesome. [ Observe the clarity with which the reflection is drawn!! ]
- The Asian art galleries - These are just good in the sense the collection is just OK. You will still get a tinge of the great Indian, Japanese and Chinese art. [ Lord Vishnu ]
[ A large mural painting of Lord Buddha ]
But by and far my observation has been that any great art be it a huge Chinese mural or a high relief sculpture of European era or a grand painting of Americans or an absolutely stunning sculptures of Indians or a miniature art of the Persians, all of them involve a lot of passion, dedication and something that is above the ordinary human.. Something ethereal .. Something Godly in manner.. Hats off to their artistic genius!
To say it in the true bard's style
"What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals!............."
Nice pics man ...
Enjoying life !!
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